Author Rosa L. Griffin
My first product is a book entitled Attraction: Sexy Tales of Good, Bad, and Ugly Relationships. It is a collection of 8 adult short fiction stories dealing with passionate, but not always healthy relationships. My book includes sexuality, romance, horror, science fiction, humor, local Baltimore culture, and just a pinch of violence.
The mean, arrogant, and handsome Stephen brings his vampire ways to Baltimore Town and kidnaps Sally, a young school teacher, at the start of the American Civil War in “Death Sleep”.
Louis, a married man who falls in love for the first time late in life, has his wife’s approval to pursue a younger woman in “Free Ride”.
An 1800’s young bi-racial woman, Esther, has sex with various men in an effort to provide for her retirement from teaching in “One Drop”.
An older female student falls prey to a vampire attack one night after her college course in “Terra”.
Aisha indulges in futuristic safe-sex in which she nearly loses her life in “Life-Box”.
An anonymous mature woman tells her humorous story of being pursued by a werewolf in “Urban Predator”.
Mack, a lonely wealthy young man is so frustrated with debutantes that he goes about intimacy in an unacceptable way in “The Tradition”.
Andre is a vampire who develops a plan to make blood donations practical for his kind in “Blood Club”.
Available now!
A new short story "Found" in which a man has lost control of his obsessions to the point where he has to flee from the person he enjoys! Will be free with purchase of Attraction in book or ebook form.
Coming Soon! A second short story collection